THING ONE: Being able to change your own home decor WITHOUT having to spend an absolute fortune is awesome! I greatly disliked the previous pillows that were in this chair. They were cream colored blah and filled with feathers which were always poking people and ended up all over the floor. Annoying. I've had these little $3 IKEA pillows forever...they are just fills. Covered them with fabric and...voila! Better in every way...and quite cheap!
THING TWO: Being able to whip up a little something for your kiddos. A very little something. Hmm...what is that, you say?
Oh, ofcourse---it's a pillow and blanket for a polly pocket princess!! Almost perfect...
Granted, neither of these projects took great skill, but maybe that's the point. Simple is often better. And if you are talking about proportion of enjoyment to effort, then I'm WAY ahead!
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